A Woman of Her Words

Echoing around the eight campuses of Bulacan Polytechnic College for almost three months now is the new tagline, "BPC: home of the brave, the beautiful, and the blessed" and the voice behind these words is our new college presidentm Dr. Janet R. Valdez. What usually follows the line is here interpretation of the statement with the intention for students to view themselves with the image of success and self-confidence. Looking into the the words one by one, 'brave' is her tribute to the Province of Bulacan where Philippine heroes who fought for our independence resided. She, then, connects it to the hope of the nation - the youth, who bravely face hurdles and obstacles to attain their diploma. 'Beautiful' comes from the province's claim as the "tahanan ng magagandang dilag" which parallels to the physical beauty of the school she desires to achieve by maintaining the cleanliness and the green environment. 'Blessed' is how she describes the students, now called as "BPC scholars" for being recipients of the benevolence of the provincial government through the generous efforts...

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